I have three issues with conservative Christians' reactions
to the Supreme Court’s decision about gay marriage (and, in case anybody missed
it, about the overall question of the citizenship rights of gays, marriage
aside): one to do with civil rights and democracy, one to do with the (mis)understanding
of the role of the SCOTUS, one to do with the Bible’s view on homosexuality.
1) Civil Rights & Democracy. Conservative Christians are
making the argument that in red states, huge majorities are against gay
marriage, so the SCOTUS decision is a subversion of democracy, effectively
disenfranchising millions who have voted in referenda over the years to
prohibit gay marriage. On many other
subjects, I might agree that the overruling by nine people of the votes of
millions of people would be an outrage. (Right, Mr. Scalia?) But this
issue is about civil rights, and you cannot morally submit basic civil rights to a
vote. In the late 18th century, slavery was still permitted even in northern
states (except, bless their liberal hearts, Vermont), so if you had conducted a
national referendum on slavery, I have little doubt slavery would have come out
the winner. Would that have made slavery morally right and provided it legitimacy? If you had held a referendum on women's rights (particularly the
right to vote) in, say, 1850, I guarantee you the all-male electorate would
have soundly rejected the notion. Would that result have morally justified oppressing women? If, in 1930s Germany, you had submitted to
referendum the question of Jewish rights, what do you think the outcome would
have been? Would that outcome have justified the Holocaust, simply because a majority deemed it acceptable to strip a minority of its rights? (Heavens, I am only two
paragraphs in and I’ve already fulfilled Godwin’s Law!) The majority simply does not have the moral
right to take away basic freedoms from the minority. Ever. And by the way, that
concept was best spelled out by Founding Father James Madison, most notably in
the Federalist Papers, those documents most venerated among conservatives. And
yet this key concept is downplayed by conservatives to the point that even the
venerable Heritage
Foundation doesn’t mention it in their introduction to the Papers.
2) Role of the Supreme Court. I have heard many a
conservative Christian say since the ruling, that SCOTUS either doesn’t have
the right to decide such matters, or shouldn’t be so ‘activist’ when considering
such issues. To the first point, I would refer you to the paragraph above: we
need a body that fights the tyranny of the masses. But my feelings on morality
aside, I would point out what is obvious to anyone who knows even a little about the Supreme Court: that since 1803, the Supreme
Court has indeed been recognized as the final arbiter in judicial review,
so they absolutely do have the right to rule here. And to the second point, notice
that, pretty much without exception, conservatives always endorse legal decisions
that reinforce their prejudices and don’t mind if these clearly smack of judicial
activism, while they reserve that term for any decision with which they do not
agree. And since we are talking about legal history, let me insert here that
the vilest thing I have heard yet is a comparison
of this ruling to Dred Scott, the infamous 1857 SCOTUS
ruling that codified the idea that African Americans were not even to be
considered as citizens worthy of rights. That ruling stripped a whole people of their rights, while the ruling in favor of gay marriage did the exact
opposite, insisting that we recognize our LGBT brothers and sisters as citizens who absolutely deserve
equal rights and the privileges afforded to other Americans.
3) Biblical perspective. Of course, more than anything, conservative Christians insist that no matter what earthly institutions may
say, the Bible commands us to condemn homosexuals and, by extension, their
right to marry. I am the wrong person to challenge on this: I was a devout Christian the first couple of decades of my life, and, more relevantly, (unlike, I would say, 99% of Christians), I have actually read the Bible, cover
to cover. Twice. So grab your wet-suit and let's deep-dive this from a Biblical perspective. (Note in advance that I am not even going to go into the quite demonstrably false statement that Biblical marriage is defined as being between a man and a woman. Why bother when a meme sums it up so well?)
Many people opposed to homosexuality (and who thus feel
entitled to condemn gay folks) cite various passages from the Bible. The most
obvious is Leviticus 20:13: "If a man lies with a male as with a woman,
both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death;
their blood is upon them." The problem with this verse is not actually the
verse itself - it's pretty clear in its proscription. The issue is that if you rely
on the Old Testament for your morality, there are many things that many a
Christian does that are equally prohibited, e.g. eating shellfish, getting
divorced, committing adultery, laboring on the Sabbath, and so on. So why this
selectivity? If you can be murdered for being gay, you are equally liable to
have those same stones kill you for working on the Sabbath, for doing something
as mundane as picking up sticks on that day. (No, seriously, it actually cites
that as an example in the book of Numbers. Look it up.)
Ah, says the clever Christian, but Jesus came along and
replaced the Law and washed away all previous sins with his forgiveness, but
then he reinstated the prohibition against homosexuality in the New Testament
itself by mentioning it several times there! Ha! Gotcha! Well.....except no. Let's break it down.
First of all, even post-Jesus you are still bound by Old Testament law
(including fun stuff like selling your daughter to her rapist for 50 shekels
and going to hell if you suffer an accident or disease that damages your
'manhood'....seriously, have you READ this book?!). See Matthew 5:17-18, the
words of Jesus himself: “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law
or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly
I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the
least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until
everything is accomplished." [Emphasis mine.] So here we see Jesus saying that all that
old-school stuff stays in effect. Now you're in a pickle here, Christian
literalists. If Jesus didn't come to replace the old Laws, you're in trouble,
and for one obscure sin or another, you deserve to be stoned to death (or
worse: see above about selling your daughters, dads).
But let's go deeper, since Christians might say I have misinterpreted Jesus's words in
Matthew (though these words seem very straightforward to me). Let's say the old
Laws are therefore gone. But gays are still condemned by verses from the New Testament, right? Not so fast. That I know of, there are three verses about homosexual activity in the New Testament, and the very first thing to
notice is that none represents Jesus's personal stance or his own words. (He
mentions homosexuality exactly zero times.) So let's look at those three verses.
All three (in 1st Corinthians, 1st Timothy,
and Romans) had better be disregarded by Christians for their own sakes! Read 1st
Corinthians chapter 6 (and stop being a cafeteria Christian for once and
read the WHOLE CHAPTER!): homosexuality is simply one among many equally condemned sins. That's
right, 1st Corinthians makes no distinction between a gay person's 'sin' and,
say, an adulterer's sin, or that of an idolater or a thief or a drunkard or
slanderer or swindler. So if you use 1st Corinthians to condemn gays as sub-human abominations before the Lord, my Christian friend, you better watch yourself. That piece of candy you stole in second grade; that time
you got drunk back in....well, yesterday; that time you cheated on a test or
lied about an enemy: according to the Bible, all are regarded by God as equally reprehensible. So stop
looking at that sty in your gay neighbor's eye and see to the plank in your own
(to paraphrase Matthew 7:5).
(Interesting side note here: the part of chapter 6 that
mentions homosexuality has an overall context of prohibiting lawsuits among
Christians. So that divorced, Christian, litigation-specializing lawyer who
cheated on his ex-wife is WAY WORSE than the gay man or woman he condemns, in
terms of sheer volume of sin committed. Still more fascinating is that the second half of
that chapter has to do with sexual immorality, but it fails to mention
homosexuality by name or inference at all, though to be fair, it doesn’t mention,
say, adultery by name, either, and we can safely assume that would be condemned. The point is that nowhere in the Bible is homosexuality called out as being any worse than
other sins like adultery.)
First Timothy chapter 1 and Romans chapter 1 are no different than Corinthians above:
homosexuality is simply listed as an equal among those other sins that our Christian
brothers and sisters commit all the time (but which for some reason they see as less evil, which I am sure is not at all self-serving).
But lest one think I am skimming over this because these verses weaken my point, here are the verses in question:
1st Timothy: “We know that the law is good if one uses it
properly. We also know that the law is made not for the righteous but for
lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious, for
those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, for the sexually
immoral, for those practicing homosexuality, for slave traders and liars and
perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine that conforms
to the gospel concerning the glory of the blessed God, which he entrusted to me.” (The ‘me’ here is Paul; oddly,
for a book called Timothy, the writer is not Timothy, but Paul; Timothy is the
Romans chapter 1: Because
of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual
relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with
women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts
with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.”
[Here is where the lazy Christian stops reading, since his or her own prejudice has been sufficiently reinforced. Alas, there is more.]
[Here is where the lazy Christian stops reading, since his or her own prejudice has been sufficiently reinforced. Alas, there is more.]
“Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile
to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to
a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness,
evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and
malice. They are gossips, slanderers,
God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil;
they disobey their parents; they have no
understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. Although they know God’s righteous decree that those
who do such things deserve death, they
not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who
practice them.” [Emphasis mine.]
Bottom line: if gays deserve to be cheated of their civil rights, or even killed, because their ‘sin’ is mentioned in the Bible, then almost every Christian alive deserves the same fate based on sins they have all committed, sins that nowhere in the Bible are called out as being any worse or better than homosexuality
Bottom line: if gays deserve to be cheated of their civil rights, or even killed, because their ‘sin’ is mentioned in the Bible, then almost every Christian alive deserves the same fate based on sins they have all committed, sins that nowhere in the Bible are called out as being any worse or better than homosexuality
One last point in order to address the obvious, last-ditch attempt conservative Christians can make in rebuttal here. They claim that the difference between gays v. gossips, slanderers, thieves, the greedy, the lustful, divorcees, adulterers, et al, is these latter do not live their lives in constant, unrepentant opposition to God, that they at some point stop committing their sins. Someone who commits adultery, for example, may do it only once and then plead for God's forgiveness and be absolved, while the gay person 'chooses' to spend his or her life in constant rebellion. I shouldn't need to point out the obvious flaws here, but for the sake of thoroughness, I will. There are two problems:
1) People in this latter group in fact rarely seem to stop living in defiance of 'God's will'. How many gossipers do you know who stop gossiping? Ask Newt Gingrinch's ex-wives how contrite he was when he cheated on them and divorced them. Ask Donald Trump how many times he has been married and divorced. (Christians conveniently forget that only a spouses's 'immorality' excuses divorce, per Jesus himself.) Ask the Christian investment banker if he ever stopped being greedy from the day he finished his MBA to the day he lay on his deathbed. Know a lot of people who stop lusting until age begins to rob them of it, quite against their will? Of course, there are outliers, but the bottom line is that a group of LGBT-haters screaming 'God hates fags' is full of people in a constant state of sin and quite unrepentant. Which brings us to the second point.
2) Gays are the only people conservative Christians are constantly trying to punish through legislation and institutionalized prejudice. Do we have laws against adultery? Not anymore. Greed? Please. It's the foundation of our economy. Lust? People try to limit it, but with limited success (and one suspects they like it that way). (Besides, without lust, we'd lose 80% of the internet.) Gossiping? How much do you figure TMZ alone makes every year, and how many people view it? Thievery? We choose to impose real penalties on only a subset of thieves. If you steal a car, you can go to jail for years. But steal from millions of homeowners and your company - not even you personally - pays a fine and you move on. No, alone among all these 'sinners' are gays, because what conservative Christians can't allow themselves to admit is that most of them just can't relate to that 'sin' the way they so easily do to lust, greed, gossiping, adultery, etc. In short, they find it 'icky' and then build up their case from there. But you being grossed out by something doesn't give you the right to persecute those who do it. People's basic human rights cannot be stripped away because their behavior simply doesn't appeal to you.
So from a civil rights, legal, and Biblical point of
view, conservative Christians simply do not have a leg to stand on here. They may on a visceral level disagree with everything I have written here; but on a
factual level, they can provide no meaningful rebuttal.